World Bank: World Bank debars Korean IT company
Europe: Release of the 2022 Europe Sustainable Development Report
France: DGSI alerts companies to the risks of intrusive external audits
France: Review of the training for magistrates, investigators and foreign experts organized by the French Anti-Corruption Agency in partnership with the Ecole nationale de la magistrature
France: Publication of the AMF 2022 report on corporate governance and executive remuneration of listed companies
World: Transparency International and the United States hold 20th International Anti-Corruption Conference
World: MSCI ESG Research releases their 2023 ESG & Climate Trends to Watch report
Mozambique: People close to the government sentenced for corruption
Democratic Republic of Congo: Glencore reaches agreement with Congolese authorities to end corruption allegations
United Kingdom: Serious Fraud Office makes progress implementing recommendations from independent reviews
European Union: Parliament and EU member states find agreement on banning imports of products from deforestation
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