
The Sanctions & Export Control Newsletter

Germany: Germany releases Iranian national accused of United States sanctions violations
China: Huawei focuses on its own application platform to overcome U.S. sanctions
International Criminal Court: Venezuela requests an investigation on U.S. sanctions
United States: US Government adds Rosneft’s Swiss subsidiary to the SDN List under Venezuela-related Sanctions Program
United States: The United States are preparing to impose more sanctions on Venezuela’s oil sector
United States: Change of country groups in the EAR for Russia and Yemen
United States: New entities and individuals sanctioned under the INKSNA
United States: US President extended the frame of sanctions against Russia for a year
France: The Financial Action Task Force “blacklists” Iran and encourages jurisdictions to apply counter-measures
Japan / South Korea: The 8th Japan-Korea Export Control Policy Dialogue to be held in March
Turkey: Halkbank acknowledges proceedings for violations of U.S. sanctions while refusing to recognise the US jurisdiction

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