
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Brazil: Former President Collor de Mello sentenced to eight years in prison for corruption in Lava Jato investigation
Colombia / France: NGO issues a formal notice to three French banks for failing to comply with their duty of care
United States: Ruling in favor of Ericsson in a dispute with a group of investors
United States: Gartner accepts to pay USD 2.45 million to settle corruption charges in South Africa
France: Former FIFA vice-president under investigation in the “Qatarargate” case
France: First hearing in the case opposing a coalition of NGOs and local authorities to TotalEnergies regarding the respect of the Paris Agreement
Guatemala: Former Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Unit arrested
India / United Kingdom: BAE Systems and Rolls Royce targeted by a corruption complaint from India’s investigative agency
European Union: The European Parliament adopts the European Directive on Corporate Social Responsibility Due diligence

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