
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

France : EDF put on notice as part of a construction project in Mexico France: First report following the implementation of the ‘Pacte’ law
France: The French Anti-Corruption Agency submits its draft updated recommendations for public consultation
Peru : Corruption investigation opened against Peruvian president
Switzerland : Cramer & Cie Bank targeted by an investigation for money laundering in connection with the Petrobras affair
United Kingdom: Tesco stops sourcing from Kenyan supplier accused of human rights abuses
United Kingdom: UK NCP releases its initial assessment decision regarding the complaint filed against UK JCB for the use of its products in Israeli settlements
United States: J&F Investimentos pays USD 285 million to U.S. enforcement authorities to settle FCPA violations
World: More than three quarters of global trade impacted by corruption according to Transparency International

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