
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Saudi Arabia: 18 people convicted of bribery and fraud
United States: The number of whistleblower tips declines for the first time since the establishment of the SEC’s program
United States: Former Kepel lawyer sentenced to probation
United States: General Motors files a complaint against Fiat Chrysler for corruption
United States : Former European Director of Och-Ziff Capital Management Group sentenced for corruption
France: 16 cities targeted by Anticor for non-compliance with the 2014 municipal elections’ ethical charter
France: A debate on the fight against corruption and tax evasion at the Idéethic conference
France: Extra-financial criteria are increasingly taken into account in executive compensation
Greece: Siemens bribery scandal concluded after a 14 years’ judicial inquiry
Israel: Prime Minister charged with corruption
World: Business & Human Rights – publication of a ranking for 2019
Namibia: Two Namibian ministers quit as part of bribery scandal involving Icelandic fishing firm

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