
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Belgium: Resumption of parliamentary work on the duty of care in the Belgian House of Representatives
China: Several high-level politicians imprisoned for life on corruption charges
United States: For the second time, Oracle agrees to pay a fine to the SEC to settle FCPA charges
United States: FinCEN issues Final Rule requiring companies to report information about their beneficial ownership
France: Nine companies warned by NGOs for non-compliance with the obligation of vigilance on their use of plastic
France: Publication of the 4th edition of the annual assessment of the implementation of the Extra-Financial Performance Declaration
France: End of public support for new fossil energy projects announced
France: Publication of the AFA’s second national survey on anti-corruption measures in companies
United Kingdom: Investors call on the UK Government to mandate human rights and environmental due diligence
United Kingdom: Government presents a bill to strengthen the fight against economic crime in the private sector

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