
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Austria : Austrian Supreme Court clears way for U.S. extradition of a Ukrainian tycoon
Brazil : Lula’s requests for release rejected by the Supreme Court
United States : TechnipFMC reaches a global resolution with the American and Brazilian authorities for USD 301.3 million
France : The French anti-corruption agency (AFA) and the national financial prosecutor’s Office (PNF) publish guidelines regarding the French-style Deferred Prosecution Agreement
France : First hearing before the Sanctions commission of the French anti-corruption agency (AFA)
France : Justice orders a trial against the former president of the International Athletics Federation
France : The Gauvain report aims to reaffirm France’s sovereignty over extraterritorial laws
Malaysia : Asset forfeiture proceedings initiated in connection with the 1MDB scandal
United Kingdom : Closure of an Airbus’s subsidiary involved in a probe for bribery

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