
The Anticorruption & Ethics Newsletter

Brazil: Investigation into at least four transactions involving alleged corrupt practices between JPMorgan and Petrobras
France: Publication of the Phase 4 Report on France’s implementation of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention
France: The French Anti-corruption Agency publishes the results of its survey on the deployment of anti-corruption measures within French State operators
France: Publication of the first barometer on climate commitment
France: UBS fined EUR 1.8 billion on appeal
France: A new complaint filed with the PNF in connection with the Triangle Tower construction project
France: The French Anticorruption Agency publishes the final version of its guide on anti-corruption measures for SMEs and small businesses
France: Launch of the evaluation mission of the law on the duty of care of parent companies and contractors
France: President Macron wishes to advance the duty of care at the European level
France: Decision issued by the French Anticorruption Agency’s Sanctions Commission on the execution of the enforcement of compliance injunction under the Sapin 2 law
Netherlands: Dutch government to propose law on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence
United Kingdom: The London Court of Appeal overturns conviction of former Unaoil executive
European Union: A report denounces the carbon footprint policies of European agribusinesses

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